Dealing with COVID-19 exposure fears in the Service Industry

We all have decisions to make as homeowners, service providers, caretakers, and business owners.

The CDC provides recommendations: “Interim Recommendations for US Households with Suspected/Confirmed Coronavirus Disease 2019”

You will notice with carpet the guidelines specifically say: “Launder items as appropriate in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. If possible, launder items using the warmest appropriate water setting for the items and dry items completely.”

Our Hot Water Extraction method or “Steam”, uses consistent, 200 degree water, along with a mild detergent to sanitize carpet and fabrics. The Vacuum system extracts and rinses contamination leaving the carpets nearly dry to the touch. This method is the method recommended by nearly all carpet manufacturers.

Bleach is also in the recommendation for hard surfaces. Use with PPE and caution so as not to damage or discolor surfaces.

Whether it’s an emergency flood, or a pet/human accident we have to assess the risk of how and when to deal with a problem so as to also mitigate negative affects to our health from a contaminated indoor environment.

Here is how we are changing the way we approach each call for truly needed services in addition to social distancing guidelines:

1)      Always wear gloves and a respirator at a minimum, to protect ourselves and others.  We have Tyvek suits and booties. 

2)      Disinfect tools after each job.

3)      Plan so as to Clean our way OUT of a home/business with no need to enter again.

4)      Steam Trucks are self-contained with no need to use property owners water, sink or hoses

5)      Request furniture be moved prior to our arrival as to minimize physical contact from Tech

6)      Use disinfectant as a  post treatment upon request.

7)      Disinfect any touch points when leaving each room.

8)      Disinfect shoes between jobs.

Remember, all that comes into a home or business  is the hoses and one tool at a time.  Everything else (machinery etc.) is contained in the truck. 

Practicing these guidelines will minimize risk when providing emergency service to those who really need it during this time.
